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Good News for Santa’s Sleigh

14breakingnews3Hi everybody!

I saw Elf Quinton today and he was smiling from ear to ear. Santa’s sleigh is ready, he said.

And he showed it to me.

You should see it, kids. The sleigh is really big this year and it is a bright shiny red color. It glistens in any light and it is so shiny you could use it as a mirror.

Elf Quinton is very proud of it. He said he has never before had Santa’s sleigh ready so early.

He was going to send his elves that worked on the sleigh away to help in the workshop but then he got a call from Elf Agent X who said he could use their help on a “special project”.

Whatever that means.

Elf Ernest

Question of the Day: What happens if Santa gets sick on Christmas Eve?


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