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New Zealand Gives a Merry Report

North Pole Podcast
North Pole Podcast
New Zealand Gives a Merry Report


We’re receiving reports that Santa is in New Zealand. It is a bit bigger country, more populated than other islands Santa has recently visited. He may be there a while longer.

Bed time warnings have gone out to many places in the Far East and some have written in to the North Pole to ask if a bed time warning time can be requested.

The simple answer is no. This isn’t an alarm service. We provide the bed time warnings as communication from Santa. We don’t take reservations.

Elf Ernest

Coming up next: Was it Santa?
Hang-Your-Stockings Reminders: All South Pacific nations
Active Bedtime Warnings: Taiwan

Listen to Elf Vern explain the differences in Santa trackers:

[powerpress] kradioani


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