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50 Days Remain Until Santa’s Launch

50 days until Santa's launch! It's a big marker in the countdown to Christmas. Some of the elves in North Pole flight command are getting ready to travel. Their task? To located and to begin setting up regional tracking centers in each world…
Operation Merry Christmas Begins in 4 Weeks
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Operation Merry Christmas Begins in 4 Weeks

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Operation Merry Christmas begins in 4 weeks! That's right. Time to get excited, everybody! Imagine it: in just four short weeks we'll be getting DAILY updates from the North Pole as the countdown to Christmas…
Operation Merry Christmas Begins in 5 weeks

Operation Merry Christmas Begins in 5 Weeks

Operation Merry Christmas Begins in 5 weeks! Holy smokes, that's soon! Next week is Halloween! And I still don't have a costume. I'm getting worried, gang. A couple of days ago I noticed something, okay? I noticed that  a lot of people…
Operation Merry Christmas

Operation Merry Christmas Begins in 6 Weeks

Operation Merry Christmas begins in 6 weeks and I could not be more excited! I went to a big meeting yesterday. This girl does not get called to meetings very often so I was happy to go. It was all about Operation Merry Christmas and where…
Operation Merry Christmas
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Operation Merry Christmas Begins in 7 Weeks

Hi! Another week down. Just seven weeks now until Operation Merry Christmas begins. I'm so excited! This week I was given a tour of the candy cane factory here at the North Pole. It was so very interesting. It answered a question I have…
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75 Days Until Santa Launches

Just 75 days until Santa launches, folks! Hi. Elf Max here, in Flight Command for SantaTrackers.net and SantaUpdate.com. The work of preparing for Santa's launch continues. The test flights are going pretty well. They are slowly narrowing…

Operation Merry Christmas Begins in 8 Weeks

Operation Merry Christmas begins in just 8 weeks! Those ding dongs in the workshop still won't let me in. You have to have a password, and know a secret handshake -- both of which I learned, by the way -- now they are telling me I have to…
Operation Merry Christmas

Operation Merry Christmas Begins in 9 Weeks

Operation Merry Christmas begins in 9 weeks! I am hoping to get into Santa's workshop to see how things are going there. But they won't let me in! I'm just a junior reporter, I guess, and it takes someone with special clearance to get in…
Operation Merry Christmas

Operation Merry Christmas Begins in 10 Weeks

Operation Merry Christmas begins in just 10 weeks from today! Hello, my name is Elf Trixie and I will be counting down the days and weeks ahead to Operation Merry Christmas. Just what is Operation Merry Christmas? First those of us…
150 Days Until Santa Launches
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Santa Launches in 150 Days

We have reached an important milestone today: it is now just 150 days until Santa launches. While the rest of the North Pole wraps up Christmas-in-July today I am at the North Pole Flight Command Center preparing for a bunch of meetings that…
200 Days Until Santa's Launch

200 Days Until Santa Launches

(Special to SantaUpdate from the North Flight Command Center) -- Greetings, all. Elf Max here from Flight Command with a brief update. We have now reached the 200-day milestone. There are just 200 days remaining until Santa launches from the…