
Santa Asks China to Sleep

updateThe tiny island of Guam is reporting a Merry Christmas at this hour. And in other news Santa has sent a specific alert to all in China to go to sleep! Santa must be ready to deliver in China.

Elf Ernest
Direct from Santa’s Newsroom at the North Pole


Command Center Status: Elf Victor Dispatched with Reindeer Relief Team
Sleigh Status: 1062 mph
Reindeer Status: Slowing down
Latest Secret Spy Reports: Lots of planes in the sky reported in Baghdad; reports of rain coming from central Mexico; high trees reported in Maryland…
Where it is Christmas Eve now: Helsinki
Where it is Christmas morning now: Guam, Vladivostok, Sydney, Brisbane, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Marshall Islands

Kids in these places should be in bed by now:
All of China
All South East Asia

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