
Santa Seeks Secret Spies World Wide


As we told you yesterday there are big preparations being made to help Santa get around the world.

But we can’t do it all – we need your help! Santa needs your help.


You can become a secret spy for Santa.

Now, don’t misunderstand. This isn’t someone who sneaks around spying on people. This is someone who who looks out for Santa and tells him of dangers near your home.

What kind of dangers? Well, what about big dogs or mean people? What about tall trees or high power lines? What about nasty weather? It could be anything!

You live there and through our website you have a direct line to Santa, the Tracking Center and those at the North Pole who can tell Santa exactly what is going on where you live.

Every year when we track Santa we rely on reports from kids just like you.

Sign up to become an elf. Take the elf. And become a secret spy for Santa!

Elf Ernest


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