
24 Hours Until North Pole Radio Broadcast Begins

su2013ruHi everyone!

We are, right now, just 24 hours away from beginning our live radio broadcasts from the North Pole Newsroom on Kringle Radio.

This merry tradition brings live radio updates of news we share here on SantaUpdate.com.

Santa listens to Kringle Radio. He selects the music himself and it includes all varieties of Christmas music out there.

He told me today that he gets a kick listening to the news updates as he travels the world. He likes especially hearing the bed time warnings go out to the kids.

Tune in to Kringle Radio live in the next 24 hours. We begin coverage as Christmas Eve dawns in different parts of the world. The news coverage will take you around the world to elves who are stationed out there to support Santa’s flight and to get the world’s reaction to Santa’s visits.

Here is a preview video we put together for the broadcast earlier this year:

Elf Ernest


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