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World Waits While Santa Returns from Orbit

North Pole Podcast
North Pole Podcast
World Waits While Santa Returns from Orbit

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Santa has surprised everyone with his first visit this year. In fact, many folks are not even thinking of Santa’s visit to the International Space Station as his first visit. After all, there is still a first visit from Santa Claus to be celebrated here one Earth. And many can’t wait for that to happen.

We’re learning more details about that space station visit. Santa flew the sleigh and suspended it at the very edge of space — reindeer and all. Then he put on a personal jetpack and a space suit to fly out to the space station. The reindeer themselves were never really in space…just really at a very high altitude.

Elf Victor reports that they are doing just fine.

Elf Ernest

Bedtime Warnings: Port Vila

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