
Applicants Rush to Fill New Elf Positions

Happy Thursday everyone!

The word from the Department of Elf Resources is that applications to new jobs posted for elves all over the world are just pouring into the North Pole.

Everyone, it seems, wants to be an elf.

One of the last conversations I had with Santa when I saw him last summer was that he wanted more elves. He told me the job just gets bigger and bigger every year.

This brings up a lot of questions.

Folks want to know what it is like to be an elf working for Santa. They want to know how much they get paid. They want to know what they wear, where they live and the obligations they have as a North Pole employee.

We want to answer all those questions and we will in time.

For now, though, there are some things you need to know the elf jobs recently posted.

First of all, they are for experienced elves. If you are just starting out as an elf you will want to click here to become an elf.

Starter elves, as I like to call them, usually do not begin their elf careers at the North Pole. They don’t make money at it. And they start like we all start – with very basic responsibilities.

You see, to be an elf that works at the North Pole it takes many, many years of training. Not many make it.

You have to be very dedicated to it.

As you get more experience Santa gives you more and more responsibility.

But it takes a long time.

That’s partly because when an elf gets an important job at the North Pole…they never leave it.

I know some elves here who have been at their same elf job for over 100 years.

That’s a long time.

And that is why it is hard to get a job as an elf at the North Pole.

We will talk about this more in the days and weeks ahead.

Elf Ernest

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i ewant to become a fulltime real elf,and work for santa at the northpole how do i do it.?

hi santa i just called you about becoming a full time elf and work for you at the northpole,could you call me bacl,and tell me how to become a fulltime elf for you,and tell me what to wear,and do i get a cewrtificate.?i want to be the best elf you have.i love you and mrs.claus sants.

It depends on your experience. Just like Elf Ernest said it will take many years for someone to become an elf at the North Pole. Just keep working hard and do your best!