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World Wide Radio Coverage About to Start

North Pole Radio

For the past 11 hours Santa Trackers have had their own radio broadcast to hear on Kringle Radio — and now it is time for the world to tune in as we begin our annual Tracking Santa Around the World Show.

The show features our news anchors stationed all over the world providing coverage of the Santa effort and the world’s reaction to it.

For the next TWO DAYS the radio will be non-stop Christmas music and Santa Tracking News – the most comprehensive Santa tracking anywhere.

Per tradition, we warn our younger listeners out there that our news is provided unfiltered. Some times it is not for the feint of heart as the news sometimes is not good. Santa goes through all kinds of things every year just to bring Christmas to the world.

But — he has never failed. And we guarantee he won’t fail this year.

Elf Ernest
Pre-Flight News Coverage

The Big Map | North Pole Flight Command | Certified Santa Trackers

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