
Workshop Production Picks Up Speed

North Pole Radio News
North Pole Radio News
Workshop Production Picks Up Speed

Santa’s workshop is now working at a frenzied pace as the snow has started to fall at the North Pole. Elves this year are extra determined to work carefully.

If you recall from our news coverage from last Christmas Santa’s workshop suffered a major snafu in their inventory systems and they learned only after Santa had left the North Pole that they had miscounted the number of toys that needed to be made.

The workshop not only had elves there working overtime but elves from other departments were called in to bring their tools from home and help out at the last minute. It took them nearly 12 hours to complete the work and Santa was half way through Sector 2 before it was all done.

Nobody wants a repeat of that stuff this year.

In the North Pole Radio News Report about this, heard in the player below, Elf Crash updates us on conditions in the workshop, also at North Pole Flight Command and especially with some challenging issues in the Wrapping Department.

Oh, and this isn’t in their report – but many of you keep asking – the answer is no, Donner has NOT yet arrived at the North Pole.

Thanks for listening!

Elf Ernest




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Can my family and me live with Santa now I beg you to let us come live with you