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Reindeer Begin to Leave the North Pole

Greetings from the North Pole! I know it is unusual to get a Santa Update from me so early. But I have some news that I think should not wait until our usual monthly update from the North Pole.

The reindeer are beginning their migration from the North Pole this week.

It is a little earlier than usual for this, by about a week or so. I thought I’d talk about it a little bit.

As you may recall, every winter after Christmas Santa’s reindeer leave the North Pole to return to their native homelands. At least most of them do. Some stay behind and live at the North Pole year round.

But the vast majority of them leave.

Santa supports this, of course. He believes the reindeer, when they are done with their Christmas service, should return home. Their native lands are healthier for them and, of course, it is always best to be around their families.

Santa never tells them when to leave or when to return. The reindeer are very devoted to Santa and they love to come back to the North Pole each year.

Of course, this routine always makes some people nervous. Will the reindeer come back? What if they don’t?

We get these questions year round.

And that I why I wanted to put out an update about it – just to get a head start on the questions.

You should know and understand that the volcanic eruption in the Pacific last week has a big part to play in the early departure this year of Santa’s reindeer. That was a huge event. I hope many of you are studying it in school.

You will know that natural disruptions like this affect many. The reindeer are no exception.

The reindeer can smell the discharge of volcanic ash in the atmosphere. Some could sense the shock wave.

They too, being so far from home and family, are worried in some cases. Santa has already said goodbye to those who felt they needed to rush home. Others are leaving this week. Most will be gone by this time next week.

We will learn if there are concerns at home. Santa does not expect any, at least not on the latest available news.

We expect those reindeer on the South America ranches and those located in New Zealand to see the biggest affects from this event. When we know more, we will let you know.

But please join me in thanking the reindeer for their service last month at Christmas, for safely taking Santa around the world and returning him home.

Elf Ernest

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Santa my elf pet arctic fox misses you so do I tell my elf on the shelf Twinkel thanks for coming yesterday I love you Santa miss you Santa

Hello North Pole!

I love the countdown to Santa’s next launch and the updates! It makes for a merry and bright year. Thank you for your time and energy. Merry ho! ho! ho!