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Worries Over the Reindeer

North Pole Radio News
North Pole Radio News
Worries Over the Reindeer

Christmas Day is officially three months from today and that’s cutting it a little too close for those who are fans of Santa’s reindeer.

Customarily Santa’s reindeer return to the North Pole every fall and some years it happens in early September. But not this year. As of this date none of Santa’s reindeer have returned.

“No, we’re not too concerned,” said Elf Victor, Santa’s head elf of Reindeer Operations at the North Pole. “We have on record seen the reindeer come back as late as Thanksgiving, or even later, and things always work out. We think things will be just fine.”

But other elves working Reindeer Operations aren’t so sure. I spoke with one reindeer handler who is concerned about food the reindeer eat.

“We’re seeing a lot of their stockpile of food spoil,” said Elf Hector, whose main job is to feed the reindeer. “We’ve been ready for them to come back since early August. That means we got food for them that hasn’t been eaten and we’re having to give it away and that’s hard to do at the North Pole. There’s not a lot of livestock here that can take that much food and it’s going to waste.”

Another elf – who did not want his named used in the report – told me, “I know there’s a whole different kind of conditioning they get here at the North Pole that they don’t get the rest of the year,” he said. “I’m worried they may not be in shape and ready to fly for Santa come Christmas Eve. A month to get ready isn’t enough, in my opinion. It’s not good for them not to be here.”

For more information on the absence of the reindeer, please listen to the North Pole Radio news report in the player above.

Elf Harold Star

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I got the right answer. I enjoy the Santa Claus parade in Toronto.

Thank you, Elf Harold. I remember the reindeer came back very late the last two years ago. Many people worried, but they made it. I agree with Elf Crash; I believe they come back as Santa does from his walkabout. I hope both Santa will come back with the reindeer. But their food wasted is not good. We can figure it out!
I look forward to reading the next post. I want to learn