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LIVE Radio Coverage from the North Pole NOW on Kringle Radio

radio1In an all new feature this year we have started broadcasting news updates via Kringle Radio, the station Santa listens to on his sleigh. The newsroom here at the North Pole is a pretty busy place this year, lots of new elves running around as we receive updates from the sleigh, from all working departments here at the North Pole and from elves stationed all over the world who are working to support Santa on his flight.

For the next several hours leading up to Santa’s launch we will provide updates at least once per hour, more often if things change. You can read detailed news here and get brief news updates by listening to Kringle Radio.

We also encourage you to follow along with the data coming from Santa’s Tracking Center at TrackingSanta.net — it has interesting maps and all kinds of great technical information about Santa’s flight data.

Also, if you want to receive updates by text, just visit JingleKringle.com and sign up for that free service on your cell phone.

Elf Ernest


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Santa Tracking is now being broadcast live from the North Pole at

Subscribe to the North Pole News from SantaUpdate.com!