
Big Building with No Name Concerns Kids Around the World

22Hello everyone!

Elf Hugo says the mail is just pouring in with big questions about that mysterious Big Building with No Name. Kids want to know what that is all about.

I wish I could tell you. In fact, I wish I knew.

But it has been a big mystery to me, too.

They started on it last spring. We could see at the time when the first earth movers came in that it was going to be a big project. But we had no idea it would be like this. The building stretches on and on and on. In fact, off to the west side of that building tumbleweeds have piled up against it for miles and miles.

Yes, I said miles and miles. The building is that big.

It has something to do with Santa’s flight this year. I cannot imagine what that could be, to be honest with you. Thousands of elves are inside the building and none of them come out of it, ever.

We will just have to wait until Christmas Eve to hear what this thing is all about.

Elf Ernest

Question of the Day: What do reindeer eat?


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