Santa to Make Night Time Visits This Week
Breaking News just in from the Tracking Department. Personnel there have been made aware of three night-time flights this week Santa will be making to three locations: somewhere in Europe, somewhere in Malaysia, and somewhere in the Middle East. There is no known purpose for these visits.
This is a very odd and curious announcement.
First of all, this is the last full week before Christmas. Santa is very busy. He meets with a lot of children every day this week in places all over the world. That he will have time and energy to travel to these places is curious indeed.
Second, the Tracking Department is mum about why Santa needs to go to these places and why in the middle of the night. Elf Agent X has said he has no knowledge of the business Santa has in these places but that he should be safe going there.
There is no news at this time if these visits will be made using this year’s sleigh or some other sleigh.
However, the Tracking Department will be following Santa on these flights and they have been instructed to map his progress as he goes out each night.
If we learn more about this story, we will update you.
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Yeah right what ever
This is so sweet and also was really cool