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How to Know When Santa Will Get to Your House

North Pole Podcast
North Pole Podcast
How to Know When Santa Will Get to Your House


4Happy Christmas all!

We get a lot of questions and none is more common right now than “When will Santa get to my house?”

The truth is that we don’t know the exact time.

But maybe you can figure it out.

Watch Santa’s progress on a map. Track what time he arrives in places before he gets to your area. You will see patterns emerge and you’ll get pretty closing to guessing when Santa will be there.

Of course, don’t count on trying to see Santa once he arrives. He tends to move so fast that he is just a flash to most people and, for some weird reason, folks just tend to be really sleepy when Santa is in the house.

Elf Ernest

Coming up next: Preparing for the North Pole Christmas Party

Listen to Red Stocking interview a spotter elf in Samoa:


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