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Get a Paper Map to Track Santa

North Pole Podcast
North Pole Podcast
Get a Paper Map to Track Santa


1221Merry Greetings!

The art of tracking Santa Claus is a time-honored tradition all over the world.

We have been receiving questions by way of text and email of how to best track Santa. Our advice is pretty simple:

1. Get a map or a globe so you can see where you are and where the tracking center tells us Santa is.
2. Keep your browser set right here at Santa Update.com. We update the latest news at least every 15 minutes.
3. Tune your radio to Kringle Radio. Not only will you hear the latest from the North Pole newsroom but the music is fantastic.
4. Keep an eye on the world map from the Tracking Center over at trackingsanta.net.

It is also important that you understand time zones. For example, Christmas Eve might still be a whole day away where you are but at this very second it is early, early Christmas Eve morning in the South Pacific.

That means Santa will launch sooner rather than later!

Elf Ernest

Coming up next: How to know when Santa will be to your house

Listen to Elf Billy explain Santa tracking from Kringle Radio:


kradani track1

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Santa’s so so so so nice. I can’t believe how Christmas has come so so so QUICK like honestly… How does he even travel to everyones houses all through the night in America and Australia and EVERYWHERE ELSE. Like HOW???????????