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Thousands of Reindeer Head to the North Pole

North Pole Podcast
North Pole Podcast
Thousands of Reindeer Head to the North Pole


14breakingnews2Breaking News!

We’ve just heard reports that thousands of reindeer are in flight from Norway, Chile, and the Canadian Rockies and they are coming to the North Pole for some reason.

Santa keeps reindeer ranches all over the world. He gives the reindeer a home and trains them in their native lands.

Many of these ranches are sending reindeer for some reason right now to join the thousands already at the North Pole.

We’ll keep you posted on this situation.

Elf Ernest

Coming up next: More weather news from around the world

Where it is Christmas Eve now: South Pacific islands

Listen to an interview with Elf Agent X about the plot in New Zealand to kidnap Santa:


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