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5 Months until Christmas Eve

su2013ruHappy Christmas in July!

Can you believe it? Christmas Eve is a mere five months away. What are you doing to get ready?

Up here at the North Pole things are, frankly — nuts.

It is harvest time, so to speak, for all things Christmas related with nuts. Walnuts, chestnuts, peanuts, almonds, pistachios – shipments of the stuff like crazy are coming into the North Pole during this month of the year.

Why? Because nuts play an important part of Christmas.

They are key to all kinds of holiday recipes. And the North Pole makes all manner of Christmas treats that you see out there. Mrs. Claus, of course, leads the efforts with these things.

But there is another part to Christmas nuts you never think about – the shells.

Believe it or not, we even use those here at the North Pole. The nut shells are ground up into little tiny pieces and then are mixed with a special kind of glue. Together they make a very strong material that is kind of like wood. And Santa uses it to make stuff – like his sleigh.

He must have something very special in mind for his sleigh because he’s saved all the nut shells for building the sleigh. We don’t know exactly what he has in mind but we are thinking he will share that with us soon.

In the mean time, start getting ready — Christmas is coming!

— Elf Ernest

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