
Christmas Eve Parties Kick Off in New Zealand

North Pole Podcast
North Pole Podcast
Christmas Eve Parties Kick Off in New Zealand


Is is Summer time in the Southern Hemisphere and we’re receiving word that Christmas Eve parties have already started, particularly in New Zealand. It is still fairly early in the day but with it being so warm and delightful we understand folks there will be making a day of Christmas partying there.

Elf Ernest
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North Pole Weather: -21 degrees F, *** Light Snow, High Winds *** **BLIZZARD WARNING**
Where it is Christmas Eve: Ulaanbaatar, Kranoyarsk, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taipei, Beijing, Perth, Manilla, Sapporo, Seoul, Pyongyang, Tokyo, Guam, Yakutsk, Port Moresby, Brisbane, Vladivostock, Melbourne, Hobart, Sydney, Port Vila, Majuro, Magadan, Suva, Wellington, Nukualofa, Kiritimati, Samoa
Bedtime Warnings: None yet

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