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The great country of Spain is reporting the arrival of Santa Claus at this time. The Tracking Center likewise confirms that is where Santa is.

Santa is making very fast work of Europe. It is breath taking to see how fast he is going.

Meanwhile, reports from the south Pole indicate that the backend work of Operation Merry Christmas is now wrapping up. Despite all the good news about Santa this is really unusual news because they have never finished up this late before. Santa is more than half way around the world! You can bet there will be some meetings about this next week.

Of course, there’s not much you can do about a last minute once-in-a-thousand-year blizzard is there? That really messed things up for the North Pole crew this year. But Santa had a back up plan and everything seems to be working out.

Elf Ernest

Bedtime Warnings: Bolivia

Spain Reports! 1

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Spain Reports! 2

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