
Workshop Goes High Tech


ElfHey everyone!

I took a tour of Santa’s workshop the other day. Those guys have some neat new gizmos in there to help them do their jobs better.

You probably already know about power nail guns and power staplers and that kind of stuff. But now they have something really cool called a power shrinker.

This is a machine that wraps stuff in plastic. You know how you always have to cut off plastic from a new toy or a new iPod or something like that?

This machine takes any kind of object and just shrinks plastic around it. You just drop the thing in and it comes out in seconds all wrapped 100%. It’s the coolest machine I’ve ever seen.

They are also testing out some power hammers. So far, it has not been a successful test.

Elf Lumpy tried to use one of the new power hammers on a bag of pistachios. He not only obliterated the nut but he put a hole in the table that makes it so you can see right to the floor.

Those new hammers are too powerful. Well, except for maybe coconuts.

Elf Ernest

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So the kids around the world have goodies to eat!