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Flight Command Struggles to Keep Up with Demands

North Pole Podcast
North Pole Podcast
Flight Command Struggles to Keep Up with Demands

Santa has not even left the North Pole yet.

That is what elves in Flight Command keep saying as they struggle to keep up with the flights coming into and out of the North Pole at this hour.

The much feared blizzard has now become a reality. There is a back log of support sleighs yet to launch and the longer they wait to leave the harder it will be to get them out of here.

There are many, many reindeer waiting as well. Some are just getting to the North Pole, sent here due to a command from Santa late yesterday that they be activated. Others were suppose to be out on flying missions but cannot break through the line up of sleighs and reindeer ahead of them.

Santa has reminded everyone dealing with delivery logistics to be calm and to remember that he does not launch yet for many hours.

Here is the latest news from the North Pole from Kringle Radio:

Elf Ernest

The Big Map | North Pole Flight Command | Certified Santa Trackers

Christmas Eve

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