11 Months Until Christmas
Greetings, friends!
Just 11 months from today we’ll be celebrating Christmas Eve. I know that sounds like a long time to you. But for those of us here at the North Pole it does not feel so far away.
Of course, there is a big difference between today and this day a month ago. Nothing compares to Christmas Eve! But we mark the 24th and 25th of each passing month with various activities that make the time pass quickly.
This month we mark it with the Junior Reindeer Games. These are like the regular reindeer games but for the two year old reindeer only.
Why two years old?
Two is a very important age for reindeer. Their bodies are still not yet quite grown but they have many outstanding athletic abilities. This is when they learn to really run, and jump and in many cases even fly.
In Santa’s training of reindeer he teaches the two year old class every year in the fundamentals of reindeer athletics. It is not really about how fast they can run but rather how well. While some can even fly at age two Santa does not focus on flying with them. Instead, he teaches proper conditioning, good diet, strong exercise routines and mastering the basic skills of stretching, breathing and endurance.
The Junior Reindeer Games are a competition that helps them to use the skills they have been taught. Many elves and their families love to attend the Junior Reindeer Games because they enjoy the energy and fun the young reindeer bring to the games. Many like to also learn the names of the new reindeer because they love trying to predict which of the reindeer will eventually become famous working for Santa.
Why do the Junior Reindeer Games happen in January?
Come back next month and I’ll tell you why.
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