North Korea Reports a Wild Christmas
Unbelievable news coming from North Korea. Santa is there and he is delivering! Seven sleighs are in the skies there and Santa himself is in one of them. He is moving at incredible speed and is making quick work of the North Korean countryside.
“Clearly those are decoys,” Elf Quinton told me a minute ago. “Santa is using six other sleighs to draw out the military so he can fly to good folks in North Korea. They are firing their guns harmlessly into the sky and Santa is flying fast and low to make his visits. I’m watching it on the sleigh cam right now, Ernest. Santa is awesome. He’s working fast, deliberate and efficiently. He’ll be in and out of there in a flash. There is no danger, the bad guys don’t have a clue he’s there. This is so great to watch, you should see it!”
I wish I could! What a crazy thing. Santa Claus is delivering to North Korea, just like Elf Gloria said and no one can stop him.
I checked in with Elf Victor to see if the reindeer are ok. He laughed. “Yes, they are just fine.” he said. “They love the colder weather there and they tell me the grass is pretty good!”
We will keep you posted.
Sri Lanka
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