Elf Quinton Talks Stuff of Santa’s Sleigh
Elf Quinton, Director of Research and Development at the North Pole, held his first North Pole Chat recently and he was very instructive. Here is his very interesting conversation with Elves Frank and Crash:
Elf Ernest
Which one of you…

39 Weeks Until Christmas
39 weeks until Christmas, friends! Did you hear me? 39 weeks!!!!
So, my elf reporterette job took me to the Research and Development Department. The head elf over there, Elf Quinton, wouldn’t give me the time of day. And you should never…

Extra Sleighs Taking Up Valuable Space
Hi ho!
A couple of months ago I shared with you about the big project at the North Pole that Santa began – thousands of sleighs being built and painted different colors.
Remember when I told you about the big barn Santa built to store…

Sleigh Building Continues at the North Pole
Hi everyone!
Another large load of lumber was delivered to the North Pole this week – and the sleigh building continues at the North Pole.
With Santa gone, Mrs. Claus has overtaken the project.
Today she met with Elf Quinton and…

North Pole Denies Reindeer Deniers
The North Pole has been flooded with email over the past 12 hours after a report surfaced online that Santa plans to fly his sleigh without reindeer this year.
We assure you this is absolutely FAKE news.
"How silly to think that Santa…

Prankster Paints the Sleigh Pink
Ho ho ho!
Disturbing news from the Research and Development Department today working on the final version of Santa’s new sleigh: someone broke into the sleigh barn last night and painted it pink.
Of course, it’s the work of the Merry…

Santa Begins Efforts to Recruit Tracker Elves
One of the big secrets of the North Pole Tracking Department has been revealed. In the past week elves have quietly opened a new website designed to manage and recruit millions of new Santa tracker elves. The site is called SantaTrackers.net.…

Doors Glued Shut at the Sleigh Barn
Happy Friday Greetings to you!
Another day of weird things going on at the North Pole.
Today Elf Quinton and his team of sleigh designers had a hard time getting to work over at the sleigh barn.
The doors were glued shut.
It was…

Sleigh Barn Elves Sent to the Workshop
Hi everybody!
Well, there are no secrets ultimately at the North Pole. Elf Quinton and team at the Research and Development Department got caught working on a new sleigh design and Santa put a stop to it.
Worse than that. He sent all…

Work Behind on Santa’s Sleigh
Howdy, howdy!
Ack! It’s September!
And I have some rough news to report: Santa’s sleigh is way, way, way behind schedule.
That doesn’t mean there is a problem.
After all, Santa has literally thousands of sleighs piled up…

Elves Worried About Santa’s Sleigh
A meeting with Elf Quinton and his team at the Research and Development Department got a little out of hand this week. Some elves there are very upset.
Every year Santa rides in a new sleigh and it is quite a process. They…

7 Months Until Christmas Eve
Greetings, friends!
Santa sure is spending a lot of time working on his sleigh. He has been over in the sleigh barn night and day working on building a new sleigh himself. Elf Quinton and the boys over there are a little bored, to tell you…