Mrs. Claus’ Sugar Cookie Recipe to Be Revealed?
There are rumors here at the North Pole that Mrs. Claus is going to reveal her sugar cookie recipe. Mrs. Claus sugar cookies are legendary. The elves consume them by the ton every day. Only Mrs. Claus knows the secret recipe and she makes the…
Elf Choir Vows to Perform This Year
I was walking by the North Pole auditorium the other day and I could hear the elf choir inside practicing. The choir is made up of elves from every department at the North Pole. They all come together on their time off to practice and perform…
Could this be Santa’s fastest sleigh ever?
Elf Quinton took the new sleigh up for its first test run today and, boy, did it look beautiful! He only had 2 reindeer hooked to it and it looked like he was shot out of a cannon. I caught up with him once he landed for a quick interview.
Countdown Clock Begins to Descend in Santa’s Workshop
Today marks one month to Christmas and that can mean only one thing here at the North Pole: the countdown clock has been raised in the workshop. It starts out at the highest peak of the ceiling and everyday it gets a little closer to the ground…
Annual Elf Convention Held in Mexico
All of Santa's elves gathered this week for the annual elf convention in Acapulco, Mexico. The convention is a time for elves from all over the world to gather for training classes and seminars that teach us how to do our jobs better -- and…