North Pole Chat
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Elf Hugo and Elf Bernard Talk the Mail and Santa’s Workshop

North Pole Chat this month featured two key elves from the North Pole - Elf Hugo, Postmaster at the North Pole Post Office and Elf Bernard, the head elf at Santa's workshop. They were here to answer questions about messages and wish lists for…
3 Months Until Christmas
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3 Months Until Christmas

Just three months to go, friends! Just three months until Christmas! Can you believe we’re here already? The year has just flown by. For those of you just joining us for the year it has been a busy but quiet year so far. A few little…
North Pole Chat Changed
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North Pole Chat Schedule Changed

The scheduled North Pole Chat with Elf Bernard has changed, according to the Public Relations Department at the North Pole. This week’s countdown update by Elf Trixie has resulted in a significant rush of mail to the North Pole. In…
Elf Bernard Chat
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Elf Bernard Coming to North Pole Chat

We are very excited to announced that our featured guest in North Pole Chat for the month of September will be Elf Bernard, head Elf in Santa's Workshop. He will be in chat on Saturday, September 21st at 12pm EST. This is a very rare opportunity.…
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6 Weeks Until Christmas

There are now just 6 weeks until Christmas. And it is getting crazy. I visited Santa’s workshop this week with Mrs. Claus. I was there to just take notes for her in a meeting with Elf Bernard. I’ve talked to you about Elf Bernard…
4 Months
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4 Months Until Christmas

Hi friends! Today marks 4 months until Christmas and it is a very busy time right now. Over at Santa’s workshop there is a weird kind of deadline. You see, Santa does not have many wish lists sent in yet. A lot of believers honestly…
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Update from Santa’s Workshop

Santa's workshop is one busy place these days. But after meeting with Elf Bernard there this week Santa feels like things are right on track. We also sent Elf Crash Murphy there today to check things out and you can hear his report for North…
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3 Months Until Christmas

Greetings everyone! There are now officially just three months to Christmas and it’s snowing here at the North Pole! That has made things festive and busy indeed around here. While things are going really well with Santa’s sleigh and…
21 Weeks Until Christmas
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21 Weeks Until Christmas

Hi ho, just 21 weeks to go until Christmas. I’m starting to get really, really, really, really, really excited. This summer-time elf thing has been a lot of fun for me. No school means I get to work most of the time at my first real…
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Workshop Gets Busy Fast

Howdy! Let the work week begin! The lights were on and elves were back at work at 2am local time as the final push in this week of Christmas begins at the North Pole. Elf Bernard and his team in the workshop quickly organized all the…
One Month Until Christmas
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1 Month Until Christmas

Merry Greetings and guess what? It’s only 1 month now until Christmas Eve! Hearts are just soaring today at the North Pole. I cannot tell you how happy people here are to know that Santa is safe and on the job. Rarely have I seen…
Santa's workshop
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Santa’s Workshop Off to a Fast Start

Hi everyone! I was just over at Santa’s workshop and saw Mrs. Claus meeting with Elf Bernard. She is very happy with how things are going over there and Elf Bernard seemed to be thrilled with the congratulations that Mrs. Claus gave to…