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SantaUpdate.com to Participate in the World’s Largest Christmas Party

so2013opExciting news!

We have made arrangements to participate in the World’s Largest Christmas Party 2014, scheduled this year for December 14th. Our plan is to schedule Santa Claus for live chats in different time zones to accommodate kids from around the world. We will announce those times and places in future updates.

The World’s Largest Christmas Party is a traditional gathering of online Christmas fans from all over the world. A wide variety of events online are scheduled for the weekend of December 13th and December 14th to celebrate Christmas together.

In year’s past Santa has chatted with kids and adults alike in a safe environment free from commercial messaging. We hope you find time to join us that weekend! Stay tuned for more details.

Elf Ernest

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awesome where is it i’d love to come i’m in the United States

OOO a party I love to come. but i am in the uk. id love to meat santa.