
New Santa Tracking Video

14breakingnews3We have tracked Santa every day since 1991. Most people who come here just discover us and don’t know we have been doing this for a long, long time. We have done this for so long that we have some parents who come here with kids because THEY came here as kids long ago.

Our Santa tracking is different. We know that. It might not be for everyone. But it is honest, it is complete and it is 100% commercial free — as Santa insists that it must be. We want you to know the real story of Santa every Christmas so we provide it ourselves — direct from the North Pole.

Since we are non-commercial we need you to share what we do with others. Word-of-mouth is the only way that we grow. Won’t you please share our website and our videos with your friends?

We’ve had a lot of fun this year putting together videos to promote our Santa tracking this year.

Here is our latest effort:

Elf Ernest


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