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Jingle Bell 1 Launches Hundreds of Sleighs

North Pole Podcast
North Pole Podcast
Jingle Bell 1 Launches Hundreds of Sleighs


4We have just been informed from the tracking center of the launch of hundreds of sleighs from Jingle Bell 1 – not Santa’s sleigh, but hundreds of other sleighs.

These are small sleighs, designed for speed and agility. We do not know what their purpose is.

In fact, in talking with the tracking department we have been made aware of thousands of sleighs in flight around the world at this time.

In many respects, this is not unusual. Santa always has sleighs in flight serving several purposes both before and during his own sleigh flight. He has weather sleighs that actually fly into storms to measure exactly how powerful they are. He has sleighs that check out local conditions ahead of his arrival.

Some sleigh shuttle things to and from the North Pole. Sometimes Santa needs supplies on his flight – wrapping paper, tape, etc – and a sleigh is always close by that can help him out.

But these sleighs taking off from Jingle Bell 1 are different. They are painted all black. We do not know where they are going or what their mission is. It is all top secret.

Elf Ernest

Coming up next: Update from the Tracking Center
Where it is Christmas Eve now: Hamilton

Listen to Elf Crash Murphy explain the nature of the sleighs leaving Jingle Bell 1:

[powerpress] kradioani


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