North Pole News Broadcast to Start Early

Breaking News!
Upon the advice of Santa it has been announced that North Pole Radio News coverage will begin an hour earlier than planned. This may be the first concession we see Santa make to the weather.
Tomorrow at this time the world famous coverage of Santa Around the World will be live on the air on Kringle Radio.
This history making broadcast begins when Christmas Eve dawns on the world in the South Pacific.
The North Pole Radio News Department will have reporter elves stationed on every continent to bring you live breaking news coverage of Santa’s flight.
They will tell the story of what happens here at the North Pole as well.
If you’ve never heard it before this would be a good year to get in on the action. It’s a lot of fun.
— Elf Ernest
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North Pole Weather: -10 degrees F, Light Snow **BLIZZARD WARNING**
Hours until LIVE Radio Broadcast News begins on Kringle Radio: 24 hours
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