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Wrapping Department Pushes to Get Done

Happy Saturday greetings! It is an exciting time here at the North Pole as elves everywhere here are rushing to complete their duties.

Over in the Wrapping Department the heat is on to get things done as early today as possible. Honestly, we will know how well Operation Merry Christmas is going if the elves in Wrapping can finish things up today.

Tomorrow is Sunday. Santa is reviewing things in all departments right now and we suspect there may be an announcement from him about our work schedules tomorrow.

Sunday is a critical day in the Santa effort. Not only will the Tracking Department be coordinating the last minute flight of sleighs in and out of the North Pole but they also have to engineer the launch of Santa Claus. News coverage of that great event will be held right here on Santa Update, as well as on other media venues.

But for other departments at the North Pole — notably the Workshop, the reindeer department, the North Pole Post Office, etc — it is hard to say what Sunday is going to be like.

You can be sure that we will update you as soon as we know what the plan is. Check back often today and tomorrow.

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