Christmas Eve Celebrations Begin in the Middle East
Santa is back in the air but we do not have a present location for him or even a direction in which he is heading.
We are receiving lots of reports of Christmas Eve celebrations all over the Middle East. We have noticed that a lot more people these days in the Middle East are celebrating Christmas.
— Elf Ernest
Direct from Santa’s Newsroom at the North Pole
Command Center Status: No issues reported at this time.
Sleigh Status: 2745 mph
Reindeer Status: Tiring.
Latest Secret Spy Reports: Odd bells heard in Delhi; roof damage reported in Northern Ireland; unmerry citizens reported in Dublin….
Where it is Christmas Eve now: Instanbul
Where it is Christmas morning now: Marshall Islands, Soloman Islands, Fiji, Samoa, Tonga, Auckland, New Zealand, Kiritimati
Kids in these places should be in bed by now:
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