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Santa Still Grounded in the Pacific

updateThere must be quite a lot to load on that aircraft carrier. Santa is still there.

“It is still too early for Santa to deliver to very many people,” Elf Billy told me. “I can see why he is in no hurry. Santa has been on the phone a lot the last few minutes, asking for weather reports, support sleigh positions, reindeer relief crews, and other stuff.”

Meanwhile, it appears we’re only about 90 minutes or so away from the clock ticking over to Christmas morning in the South Pacific. We will keep you updated.

— Elf Ernest
Direct from Santa’s Newsroom at the North Pole


Command Center Status: Landing light repaired.
Sleigh Status: 0 mph
Reindeer Status: Very strong.
Latest Secret Spy Reports: Weird lights in the sky reported in Japan; Beijing reports all ready for Santa; heavy snow reported in Northern Mongolia…
Where it is Christmas Eve now: Malaysia
Where it is Christmas morning now: Nowhere

Kids in these places should be in bed by now:
Pago Pago
New Zealand
South Pole