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North Pole Braces for Epic Blizzard

North Pole Podcast
North Pole Podcast
North Pole Braces for Epic Blizzard


Nobody cares much what the weather is like at the North Pole except on a day like this — when Santa launches for Operation Merry Christmas. Suddenly everyone cares.

Now, you must realize that Santa and the reindeer are used to facing all kinds of weather. As they go around the world they face nearly every kind of weather there is. But lifting off from the North Pole is a tough job even in good weather. Santa’s sleigh will be packed to full capacity and that baby is hard to get off the ground. It takes a lot of power from the reindeer and a steady hand by Santa to keep the sleigh from tipping over because of the weight.

Now, add high winds and blowing snow to that coupled with bitter cold and it becomes a huge task altogether.

Also, folks here at the North Pole like to see Santa off. They will gather with lawn chairs and binoculars to watch him leave and cheer him on. That will be hard to do if the weather is lousy.

Elf Ernest
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North Pole Weather: -19 degrees F, *** Overcast, High Winds *** **BLIZZARD WARNING**
Where it is Christmas Eve: Vladivostock, Melbourne, Hobart, Sydney, Port Vila, Majuro, Magadan, Suva, Wellington, Nukualofa, Kiritimati, Samoa
Bedtime Warnings: None yet

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