Wrapping Department Working at High Speed

A report from the Wrapping Department in the past hour indicates that things are moving there at a rapid pace. Elf Wally says the team is in bright spirits and that so far there are no indications that they are behind in the least.
The Wrapping Department has some pressure associated with their duties. Nothing leaves on Santa’s sleigh until it passes through the wrapping department. And not everything is easy to wrap. Have you ever tried to wrap a football? Try it some time.
Of course, the Wrapping Department can only go as fast as the stuff comes out of the workshop. So if the workshop falls behind the Wrapping Department falls behind. But Wally thinks things are moving along well.
— Elf Ernest
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North Pole Weather: -23 degrees F, *** Light Snow, High Winds *** **BLIZZARD WARNING**
Where it is Christmas Eve: South Pacific Island Nations, parts of Antarctica, New Zealand, Australia, Indonesia, Japan, Philippines, Far East Asia, parts of Central Asia
Bedtime Warnings: None yet

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