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Trackers Elves to Search for Santa

Hi all,

The flight command center is a busy place all year because the North Pole has flights of sleighs and reindeer all the time. It is the busiest sleigh port in the world.

It is also the only sleigh port in the world.

But it is quite unusual to see it so busy at this time of the year.

It is busy over there but not because there are a lot of sleigh flights at the North Pole right now.

They are busy because of Santa.

Santa left on walkabout nearly a month ago to see the world and meet with people he normally does not get to see much.

But nobody knows for sure where he is.

And to the elves in charge at the flight command center that is an opportunity to train.

They are in classes and meetings and their training goal is to play a game of “Where is Santa?”

You see, if Santa was ever lost for real it would be up to the trackers at the flight command center to find him.

So they are using his time away to train.

It’s been a few weeks now. And they haven’t found him yet.

We will let you know if they do.

Elf Ernest

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