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When are you too old for Santa?

Too old for Santa

Hello everyone!

The North Pole Post Office just keeps receiving the questions coming in for Elf Crash Murphy. It’s great to see so many of you already in the Christmas spirit!

But today’s question is a tough one.

It comes from someone who I think is maybe thinking they are too old for Santa Claus.

Click the player below to listen to how Elf Crash answers the question.

But I would just remind you of something: kids are not the only ones who follow our web site.

In fact, we’re soon to release a new video and on that video is some information from one of the biggest Santa fans in all the world.

He just happens to be more than 90 years old.

Now, I won’t tell you anything further about it because it is a surprise that I think we’re saving for you until after Halloween. But it is a fun project and one that has surprised us not by the kids that participate but by all the adults that have jumped in on it too.

You’re never too old for Santa!

Elf Ernest

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Crash and Elf Ernest what does the north pole look like when its 2 months away from Christmas? #WILLSANTABEBACK????

does santa stop coming to people who get into fights with other people who are bullies.?