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Santa Trackers Activated World Wide

North Pole Weather

The North Pole Flight Command Center is all lit up tonight as elves working maps, computers with weather data, flight control equipment and other tools of the Santa tracking trade are pressed into service. The first big breaking news of Santa tracking 2017 — we’ve got bad weather coming!

Forecasters tell us they have been watching the skies since Wednesday but they are not at all surprised by the fast developing storm.

“We’re at the North Pole,” said North Pole Weatherman, Elf Seymour Snow. “We have to expect this at this time of year. I don’t think we can top last year’s storm, but we’ll be dealing with white out conditions this year too. It won’t stop Santa in the least.”

However, the weather worries have increased activity in getting reindeer ready and trackers in place.

We will keep you posted as more developments come up.

Elf Ernest
Pre-Flight News Coverage

The Big Map | North Pole Flight Command | Certified Santa Trackers

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