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Santa Calls in Reserve Reindeer

Reindeer Reserves

Preflight NewsA couple of hours ago the North Pole Flight Command Center announced that Santa had authorized something called Operation Rudolph.

I had to dig a little to find out what it is all about. It’s actually a big deal.

Santa has basically opened the barn doors to all his reindeer ranches through out the world and ordered all those reindeer to come to the North Pole. Basically, he’s putting them to work…doing something.

Santa, of course, doesn’t need all that reindeer power for himself. But clearly he has something else in mind.

I talked to Elf Victor a little while ago and asked him where he was going to put these reindeer once they get here. “Good question!” Elf Victor said, “And how am I going to feed them?”

I have noticed an increase in flights in the past couple of hours leaving the North Pole. I suspect Victor is sending as many teams out on patrol now as he can. Between the in-bound thousands coming in and the weather he will be hard pressed to keep up with the needs of so many reindeer in one place at one time. He’s got no choice but to put them to work now.

Elf Ernest
Pre-Flight News Coverage

The Big Map | North Pole Flight Command | Certified Santa Trackers