
Tracker Elf Training Begins

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Tracker Elf Training Begins 2Tracker elves are starting to flock to SantaTrackers.net to begin training for Santa’s flight.

The effort is important because Santa has charged his Tracking Department team to recruit 6 million new Tracker Elves this year.

Tracker elves work where they live. They are official North Pole elves. Their job is to track Santa for Santa. As Santa preps the sleigh they scan their surroundings and send to the North Pole the latest information they can find relative to their location. There are reports to file about the weather, local air traffic, the readiness of a neighborhood or home for Santa, and even reports about the condition of chimneys.

This is work for an elf. In order to take it on one needs to take the Elf Oath and to become an actual elf. You get an elf license and everything when you join the tracker effort.

Among the many announcements and instruction for trackers at SantaTrackers.net will be the location of regional North Pole Tracking Centers in each sector. There are five sectors of the world: Oceania, Asia & the Middle East, Europe & Africa, Central & South America and North America.

Last year Oceania had a little more than 1 million trackers spread among the island nations of the South Pacific, Australia and New Zealand. Sector 2 had less than a million elves. Sector 3 had more than 2 million elves and Sector 4 had more than 2 million elves too. Sector 5 in North America had more than 5 million elves.

Santa wants 6 million more world wide this year. It is a huge goal. One that all Santa Tracker elves will be working on as Christmas approaches.

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