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Things to Know About Your Christmas Tree

Merry greetings to each of you!

It is a thrill to write this post to you today. This is somewhat of a tradition, one we gladly engage in every Christmas here at the North Pole. Today is the day when Santa directs us to write to you about YOUR Christmas tree.

Christmas trees are very important to Santa. Fortunately, it seems that everyone loves Christmas trees.

Many of you just put your Christmas tree up. Santa wants you to understand what the tree is and what it symbolizes.

The tree, Santa reminds us, is a living thing. Yes, even if it is a “fake” tree.

We welcome the tree into our home. We decorate it. We put lights on it. It becomes a center piece. It becomes a part of our family. It is the center stage of our celebration of Christmas.

Santa when he visits your home always enjoys looking at the tree. Each tree, he says, reflects the personality of the people who live there.

As a living thing Santa reminds us that we should give our tree a name. Last year, Santa said, he noticed that in many homes there was a note to him telling him, “Santa, this is my tree Gidget”, or something similar. Santa was thrill to see that.

Santa just loves it when you love your tree.

He gives us these friendly reminders, as tradition, every year:

  • Always give your tree a name
  • Don’t crowd the tree. Give it plenty of space to spread its branches.
  • Keep your tree safe. That means keeping it away from heaters, vents and sources of open flame.
  • Water your tree every day, if it is a real tree.
  • Put as many home made and hand made decorations on it that you can.
  • Keeps pets, especially cats, out of the tree.
  • Sing around your tree frequently. This helps it feel loved.

The Christmas tree, Santa feels, is really important. It adds the glow of Christmas in our homes.

You should also share your tree with as many other people as possible. Take photos and send them with your phone or via social media websites to other people. That spreads the happiness of Christmas. Sharing your trees is like sharing your puppy — everyone loves it.

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