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Tracking Centers Set Up World Wide

Tracking Centers Set Up World Wide 1

Greetings! I stopped by the North Pole Flight Command Center today and witnessed something the world knows little about. I saw a network of elves quietly setting up communications with tracking centers around the world.

It takes millions of people to help Santa get around the world each Christmas. Most people think Santa just jumps into his sleigh, tells the reindeer to fly and away they go.

No. There is a lot more going on than that.

The Flight Command Center has the world divided into five sectors. In each sector there is a remote tracking center: a place with elves at computers and large screens made to track Santa in detail.

Each tracking center not only follows Santa but they know everything going on within their sector. Large screens on the wall show images of places with cameras to keep eye on the weather, the flow of air and ground traffic, and the activity of people. In each sector millions of elves also live who supply each regional tracking center with constantly flowing information.

The tracker elves provide information down to the neighborhood level. They tell the North Pole about everything from chimneys to roof tops. A dog literally cannot get on the loose without Santa knowing it on Christmas Eve because he has tracker elves everywhere providing him news.

The regional tracking centers are opening now. Sleighs over skies in remote corners of the world are bringing in equipment, powering up facilities and starting communications with the North Pole now. For the next 14 days they will refine their connections, test their equipment and start reporting information about locations around the world.

By the time Santa takes off on Christmas he will already be informed about what to expect anywhere he plans to fly in the world.

This is thanks to his many tracker elves and the work they do in every sector.

What sector do you live in? Could you be one of those tracker elves working for Santa?

Of course you can. You just need to get to work.

Tracking Centers Set Up World Wide 2