250 Days Until Launch

(Update from the North Pole Tracking Department) — Greetings from Flight Command at the North Pole! Today we mark 250 days until Santa launches for Christmas 2020.

Since Santa returned the Flight Command Center has become a very busy place. Santa wasted no time in getting design ideas from paper to prototype. Sleighs are flying out of here all the time. Santa has personally overtaken the sleigh design project.

I am told that he is meeting with a lot of the hot shot elves in the Tracking Department, too. They are making big plans for tracking Santa this year. I do not yet know any details but if you are so inclined you can head over to SantaTrackers.net and get a head start on your elf training. I have a feeling Santa is going to want more tracker elves than ever this year.

I can also tell you that we are receiving a ton of mail and questions about Santa’s flight already. Yes, they have everything to do with the Coronavirus and we are working on how to go about answering those concerns soon.

I can tell you this: Santa’s not worried about a thing. He’s moving forward at full steam. Nothing will stop him from coming this Christmas. Absolutely nothing.

So stay tuned. Continue to count days the days with us.

Elf Max

8 replies
  1. Deborah Winfield
    Deborah Winfield says:

    How are you and the elf doing? I hope everybody is doing well and the reindeers too.

  2. Elf Hannah
    Elf Hannah says:

    I am currently a Junior elf 2nd class, and I have been for a while now. May I be interviewed? I may and may not be qualified, but it doesn’t hurt to try! I hope you guys are doing splendid at the north pole!

  3. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    yes santa claus for santa toy bag toy surprise love santa claus francois xoxoxoxo

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