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Christmas in July Surprise from Santa

North Pole News

AdvertisingHappy Christmas-in-July greetings to you from the North Pole where we just barely got some exciting news. Well, exciting news for the elves, that is.

I got an email from Santa telling me to let everyone know at the North Pole that he has call for Toyvember for Christmas in July this year. This is a very rare thing.

Toyvember is a special time for elves. Santa calls Toyvember by giving all the elves time off from their regular jobs to work on inventing toys.

Now, it isn’t surprising that Santa is giving everyone time off in July. The Santa effort is way ahead of schedule this year. We have been trying to avoid getting the virus that is spreading around the world so, as you know, Santa cancelled all vacations. So everyone has been working really hard. And things are in good shape for Operation Merry Christmas so far this year.

But for Santa to call for Toyvember at this time of the year is very unusual. As you may recall from this podcast episode, Toyvember is a kind of holiday. It is when all the elves go to work in their home workshops to just invent toys.

Like Santa, all elves are toymakers at heart. Some are better than others, of course. But Santa calls for Toyvember to see what new toys might be made for children of the world. Some of the best toys that have ever been invented come from elves who participate in Toyvember. There is a big contest, toys are made, and they are brought to Santa to be judged. Santa looks at every toy every elf makes.

Those he really like then go to a panel of judges. The judges are usually very senior elves in Santa’s workshop. They will test the toys, play with them and then turn over the very best of them to be duplicated in Santa’s workshop. They will make several copies of the finalist toys. Then they will give them to children to test out.

From them, maybe one or two new toys will emerge.

Santa loves this process and they elves love it too.

So we will be able to report to you, we hope, on Toyvember during Christmas in July this year.

We also have news forthcoming from the North Pole Radio News Department every day during Christmas in July this year. Their first report, which was made before this announcement of Toyvember, is listed below.

So please be sure to check in everyday here during July. We will be posting news every single day in July.

Elf Ernest



North Pole Radio News


Christmas in July

4 replies
  1. Starlight Sanada
    Starlight Sanada says:

    hi ernest i was thinking could you’s make a cabbage patch baby for me!i love cabbage patch babies.and for my stuffed baby teddy bears,and vulpix,and baby dolls could you’s make them the big regular baby cribs,and make them pajamas that fit them,and make them clothes that fit them the right way.?

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  1. […] Toyvember ended here the first week of August. Santa is going through all the new toy ideas now. We are not […]

  2. […] that we won’t have a very good turn out. He thinks many elves are working hard at their Toyvember projects to participate in something like volleyball. We’ll […]

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