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Tracking Santa App to be Released Soon

We are pleased to announce that soon a Tracking Santa app will be released for mobile users.

While all of our North Pole websites are mobile friendly we know many users want a faster, more nimble resource for quickly seeing Santa’s flight progress on Christmas Eve. Working with the engineers at North Pole Flight Command and TrackingSanta.net, we will be able to offer this feature this Christmas.

The app will be called Tracking Santa. It will, as always, be commercial-free, family friendly and child safe. The app is now in testing and will be released soon.

We are very excited for this project and believe it will help many Santa fans this Christmas as they track Santa around the world.

Elf Winslow
North Pole Special Projects Manager

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Will there be an app for iPhone users?

Not yet. That app is further behind in development, but being worked on.

I hope there can also be an app for IPad or kindle fire users. I’m a kindle fire user. Even if there is an app, can we still look at the website?

The website is not going anywhere and will always be available. It is doubtful a Kindle edition will come out this year.

Hello Elf Ernest,
When will the iOS Santa Tracker app be available? I know you said it’s further behind in development.

The Website will always be around and hope the app will have the tracker Elves area too.

Hi Santa I want a phone for Christmas in and have I been naughty or nice love Claire to Santa the north pole

to noth pole what time is big flyning on christmas night is dec 22 doing watch in falls church va from billy freeman

I love you santa

I think you are real how can you live in so cold

I feel a bit sad

I love Santa and all Eli’s out there❤️❤️

hi this is ariel so I will call tomorow ok.

I begging to be an elf on the shelf

to mr santa clause are you two night from billy freeman

will you give me a iphone and a nintendo switch because i was the best kid i can be being nice helping out people and also i help 5 people that needed help in school please