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Operation Merry Christmas Begins in 2 Days

Operation Merry Christmas Begins in 2 Days

Operation Merry ChristmasOperation Merry Christmas begins in two days and I can’t wait – cause I get to help train my reindeer.

The reindeer, of course, have been the talk of the town this week. They not only have come back but they have brought their families with them, including their cute little babies. There are thousands and thousands of reindeer here at the North Pole.

Some have written in to ask about how the reindeer live at the North Pole. People who live or work on farms will understand about having barns and corrals. And we have those too here at the North Pole. But honestly, the reindeer just walk around like anyone else. There are not many fences here at the North Pole.

But since Santa wants help naming the baby reindeer, and this was something I did months ago, I wanted to go find “my” reindeer — little Trixie.

It was tough at first finding her. But after asking around I was able to meet her at last. She is the CUTEST! (Of course).

And she is part of a large family. Trixie was born about 7 months ago and she is a daughter Bruno and Gretchen, two strong reindeer who both work for Santa. Trixie has 8 brothers and sisters!

She is a sweet, gentle and so cuddly little reindeer.

I’m told they are keeping an eye on her because already she has shown great physical speed and athleticism. Elf Victor, head elf at the reindeer department at the North Pole, told me that Trixie has been selected for a special training class that might help her to compete in the reindeer games next year. Her family, as you can imagine, are very excited about all this.

Today, I’m headed to the Claus residence. Mrs. Claus has promised to teach me everything she knows about making pumpkin pie.

It’s going to be a fun day!

Elf Trixie

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Aw! How cute! 🙂