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More Chats Added to the North Pole Calendar

North Pole Chat

Santa UpdateMore chats have been added to the North Pole Chat Calendar for this week. It is a busy time at the North Pole but Santa has heard loud and clear from our site visitors that they want to have more contact with the North Pole.

Santa believes that with the cancellation of so many events this year and the inability to meet in person many are feeling a void when it comes to the North Pole. We are hoping that the activity in the North Pole Chat Room has helped to fill that void a little bit.

Santa will be chatting himself tomorrow at 7pm EST for those who can attend. Santa will be back in a joint chat with Mrs. Claus on Wednesday night.

Also, Santa has been working hard at private, individual chats all weekend. We have found some time for him on his schedule for next weekend that is not booked and will be reaching out tomorrow to the folks on the wait list. We hope to open as many more days for Santa to chat as we can before Christmas. As a reminder, all private chats must be signed up for and accompanied by a parent.

Others scheduled to chat this week are Elf Max with Santa Trackers, Elf Hugo with the North Pole Post Office, and elves Crash Murphy and Frank Myrrh with North Pole Radio News.

We are working on arrangements for other elves too, so please keep an eye on our ever-changing chat schedule.

We have had a lot of fun with chat so far this year. We hope you can join us for one of these great events so that we can answer your questions about the North Pole.

Elf Ernest

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sounds like a good plan where are we going to do it 😊😘😃😊😙😚🥰🥰😍🙃🥰🙃😙🥰😚😊🙃😘💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩

I, as a shy but orderly and ambitious person, have always felt connected online. It’s easier than in person, anyways. When I had never heard or this site before, I would always wonder if the Santa I’m seeing is even the real one (I believed). Now I can know when he visits my area! Also, did you know I found this site on my own? No one in sight sharing christmas spirit around my neighborhood! But then, I came to the rescue!!

Love the chat room and chatting with everyone at the North Pole❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄🤶🤶🤶🤶🤶🤶🤶🤶🤶🤶🤶🤶🤶🤶🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅