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North Pole Photo Exhibit Planned

North Pole Photo Exhibit

In an announcement as big as anything we have shared in recent years it was announced today over on SantaTrackers.net that a North Pole Photo Exhibit is planned for Christmas in July. This event will be held in Elf Chat at SantaTrackers.net on July 24th.

It is a rare, even historical, event. Real photos of real North Pole scenes will be shared by Elf Ed Zachary, world famous Defender of Santa Claus. The images are from his personal collection and bear the approval of Santa Claus for public display. This image below is just one of many that will be shared:

North Pole Photo Exhibit

This image was recently taken at the North Pole showcasing the Northern Lights some distance from North Pole Village. This is the first time such an image from the North Pole as been shared.

I have not been involved in the review or selection of photos that are part of the exhibit. I am told it will include images of reindeer, sleighs, North Pole landscapes, some North Pole buildings and items of general interest to Santa fans.

The collection will not include photos of elves, classified North Pole facilities such as Santa’s Workshop or the North Pole Flight Command Center, reindeer training and housing facilities or the work of the Research and Development Department at the North Pole.

For now the event will be limited to registered tracker elves of SantaTrackers.net. That might contain further exposure of the images however it should be noted that nearly anyone can become an elf and gain access to the chat without charge or fanfare.

North Pole Photo Exhibit

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This is Superkalifragilistikexpialigetisch
Awesome!! Merry Christmas 🎁🎄

Nice pictures can you post them on santas update website, do u know why this website isn’t working on my tablet, i like the way there is more chats added to the North Pole Chat Room thank you North Pole🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅

I am now even more excited for July! So much exciting stuff happening! Stay Jolly my friends! 🎄🎅🎁